Intuitive Eating: Part III

A little while ago, I started a blog series about Intuitive Eating, a book written by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole. This book literally changed my life and changed my outlook on food, health, and self-love. If you would like to revisit two of my previous posts on intuitive eating, you can find them here andContinue reading “Intuitive Eating: Part III”

My Story & the Lack of Authenticity in the Fitness Industry

I first got heavily interested in weightlifting back in college for the sole purpose of attaining the “perfect physique.” I watched probably hundreds of Youtube videos on a myriad of different exercises just so I could feel more confident going to the gym alone and navigating the men-dominated weight room. I would practice exercises atContinue reading “My Story & the Lack of Authenticity in the Fitness Industry”